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Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, United States

It's time for a grassroots movement to reform Pennsylvania's Judiciary from elections to disciplinary actions. The Bar Association is incapable itself of self-policing, too much harm is being inflicted on innocent citizens in both criminal and civil courts. It's time to fire the foxes in charge of the hen house.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Open Letter to Senator Eichelberger

Below is the text of an email dated June 20, 2009 that I have sent to Senator Eichelberger and his co-horts who have sponsored the disgusting proposed amendment to Pennsylvania's Constitutuion that would officially make gay and lesbian citizens second-class citizens.

You're on the wrong side of history, Senator Eichelberger. As a citizen of the United States; a veteran of U.S. military service and resident of Pennsylvania--and as a gay man--I would like you to know that I do not "exist" at the whim of Pennsylvania's Repuglicans and their hate-mongering political cronies who charade as the ardent defenders of marriage, as you so unflatteringly suggested in your interview on Radio Times on June 19th. Your job description does not give you the authority to "allow" me "to exist."

Your attempt to insert discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution and the mean-spiritedness with which you have delivered your punch, will be your political undoing. I predict that you and your cronies will be targeted for removal by the next election cycle and you'll go the way of Santorum!

You have a terribly misguided sense of "unearned privilege" and "over-inflated sense of entitlement," which is as obvious to the majority of rational voters in this state as are your impoverished moralilty and cretinous intellect. You are a disgrace to the office of a state senator and in my opinion, serve as a clear example of what it means to be unamerican. Shame on you and your cronies who co-sponsered your Bill!

Pennsylvanians simply cannot afford any more stupid, self-serving, lazy, entrenched legislators or judicial officials. There are far too many serious problems facing the residents of this state and you and those of your ilk, who are sponging off the public, are clearly not up to the job!

I hope I have the opportunity to handsomely fund your opposition in the next election cycle and, if necessary, bring busloads of Gay and Lesbian Pennsylvanians into Blair County to campaign against you. And that goes for your cronies too!

Jude Rene' Montarsi
574 South Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745

(1) Senator Alloway (R-33)
(2) Senator Brubaker (R-36)
(3) Senator Corman (R-34
(4) Senator Erickson (R-26)
(5) Senator Folmer (R-48)
(6) Senator Gordner (R-27)
(7) Senator Kasunic (D-32) via mail
(8) Senator Musto (D-14)
(9) Senator Piccola (R-15)
(10) Senator Robbins (R-50) via mail
(11) Senator Scarnati (R-25)
(12) Senator White (R-41)
(13) Senator Yaw (R-23)