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Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, United States

It's time for a grassroots movement to reform Pennsylvania's Judiciary from elections to disciplinary actions. The Bar Association is incapable itself of self-policing, too much harm is being inflicted on innocent citizens in both criminal and civil courts. It's time to fire the foxes in charge of the hen house.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Concerning Clinton County, PA

Originally Posted to KCNET FORUMS "Corruption: Local Area Politicians and Law Firms"

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:59 am

Joined: 07 Oct 2009
Posts: 6

Concerning Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett's indictments against members and staff of the PA House Republican Caucus:

Will Attorney General Corbett end his investigation at the level of the Republican House Caucus members or will he continue his corruption investigation by moving up the legislative chain to scrutinize the Republican Senate Caucus and Superior/Supreme Court members and asking for another Grand Jury if needed? Is he just grandstanding for future votes by purging a few peons in the House or is he serious about expunging the cronyism and corruption that permeates Pennsylvania Government?

If Attorney General Corbett is sincere—if he makes a concerted effort to go after the corruption at the HIGHEST levels of his own party, then in the next election cycle, I shall, for first time in my life, vote for a Republican for Governor. He will have earned my vote if he really shows Pennsylvanians that he is SERIOUS about policing and stopping the corruption.

Any investigative journalists who are interested in judicial corruption, might want to follow THIS Pennsylvania Supreme Court case, which is pending Appeal: Case Number 407 MAL 2009

Case Information: Petition for the Allowance of Appeal
Case Status: Active
Journal Number:
Case Category: Civil
Case Type(s): Estate/Probate/Wills/Intestate

Intermediate Appellate Court Information
Court Name: Superior
Docket Number: 237 MDA 2008
Date of Order: April 7, 2009
Rearg/Recon Disp Date: May 29, 2009
Orie-Melvin, Joan
Gantman, Susan Peikes
Colville, Robert E.
Intermediate Appellate Court Action: Quashed

Question: Why was this case “quashed?” (It rhymes with “squashed,” you know!) Could this be the “legal code” for “case fixed?”

Counsel Information: (Opposing Counsel)
Robin A. Read, Esquire – ID#: 47629 of MCNERNEY, PAGE, VANDERLIN, & HALL(a former business associate of ex-Rep Brett FEESE (R) the recently resigned chief counsel to the House Republican Caucus who is currently under indictment on 58 Counts of conflict of interest, theft and conspiracy, 2 counts each of hindering apprehension and obstruction of justice--“the specialty practices” of THIS politically well-connected firm!

Senator Eugene YAW (R-23 Lycoming County) who sits on senate LAW & JUSTICE COMMITTEE is also a member of MCNERNEY, PAGE, VANDERLIN, & HALL (How’s that for an irony?!) The “good” senator also chairs the RULES AND NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE. His sidekick, the vice chair, is (you’ll never guess who!) Senator Jane ORIE, who sits on the senate JUSTICE COMMITTEE—a double irony and whose sister will soon be the newly minted Supreme Court Justice Joan ORIE-Melvin! Ach! THE BLARNEY OF THE MAGDALENE SISTERS? Connect the dots…

“O what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” Speaking of deceptive practices:

Robin A. Read, Esquire (de facto for Peter G. Facey, PA. Attorney ID#:40151)
McNerney Page, Vanderlin & Hall
Address: 433 Market Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Phone No. ( 570 326-6555 570 326-6555 x241)
Representing Gina Gregoletto, Guardian of the person of Joyce Montarsi & Louis Montarsi, individually

I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but Ms Read (and her associate Peter G. Facey, Esq. and Paul J. Ryan, Esq., the business partner of our crooked Clinton County President Judge, J. Michael Williamson who just received a reprimand from the Judicial Conduct Board and our crooked junior judge, Miller all involved in the "case-fixing") despite their smear of me in a superior court brief that I am “paranoid” and “delusional”, themselves should be paranoid. They are bigger fools that I have credited them for being if they want to continue deluding themselves into thinking that their “political connections” are going to save them from disbarment! Ms Read does for women in legal profession, what the 1837 Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention did freeborn Pennsylvania males of African descent. These people and those of their ilk, are out to rob us and strip us all of our civil rights!

Anything is possible as long as you think “outside the box” and have patience. Watch me closely John and Jane Q. Public. I’m about to demonstrate how we ordinary citizens, with no legal training, can shut down a politically well-connected set of law firms who specialize in “corrupt practices" and bankrupt the bastards who help them. All we have to do is to not give them our business or our votes—all perfectly legal—it won’t cost US a penny and doesn’t require a lawyer! LOL AND start demanding a paper receipt of your vote! Go far outside the county when you need a lawyer! Punish all the members of the local bar until they start to police themselves and report the corrupt practices of the county judiciary! And file formal complaint with the Office of Disciplinary Counsel and the Judicial Conduct Board when you encounter corruption! Gerald Rosamila gave us an excellent example of what it means to be a good public servant and citizen. We should all follow his example.

I sure hope the Attorney General is serious about prosecuting corruption and that his public corruption and elder abuse units are paying close attention to the “doings” in Lycoming and Clinton County, because the folks here need to be rescued from the “carpetbaggers” (dare I say "white-trash") who have high-jacked our local government!

A special P.S. to Darlla Conway of the Office for Aging: We'll see soon if you were correct when you said to me on July 5, 2006, "The judges will never let anything happen to me!" in response to my concerns about the ethical problems and conflicts of interest and your role in matters concerning THE ABUSE AND EXPLOITATION OF MY MOTHER, JOYCE MONTARSI! Your response to me that day exemplifies exactly the lack of sound critical thinking skills one would expect from a person who maintains her job as a result of cronyism. What happens to you Darlla if the judges no longer sit on the bench? The late Mrs. Lumley says, “Hope you got a GOOD lawyer, sweetie.”

Someone pass me the Pepto Bismal! I feel a bad case of Marcellus Shale Gas coming on.


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