
My Photo
Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, United States

It's time for a grassroots movement to reform Pennsylvania's Judiciary from elections to disciplinary actions. The Bar Association is incapable itself of self-policing, too much harm is being inflicted on innocent citizens in both criminal and civil courts. It's time to fire the foxes in charge of the hen house.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Life on Ole Massa Williamson's CLINTON County Great Island Planation!

Molly Ivins (1944-2007), once quipped, "There are two kinds of humor. One kind that makes us chuckle about our foibles and our shared humanity—like what Garrison Keillor does. The other kind holds people up to public contempt and ridicule—that's what I do. Satire is traditionally the weapon of the powerless against the powerful. I only aim at the powerful. When satire is aimed at the powerless, it is not only cruel -- it's vulgar.”

Dororthy Parker once quipped, "Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive. And when we've practiced for awhile, How we do improve our style!". Yaw Yaw's boys--Williamson and Miller--in CLINTON Country, are as INEPT as crooks as they are judges...but they'll NEVER let anything happen to DARLLA WITH THE TWO LL'S(the "good" friend of the late Kathryn W. Lumley) Conway! UnHoly Hydrofrackers!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Honorable Joseph Saunders III
District Magistrate, Clinton County, PA
217 N Jay St
Lock Haven, PA 17745

August 19, 2010

On August 17, 2010, page 2 of the print edition of THE EXPRESS of Lock Haven, under POLICE NEWS, is stated: “VANDALISM "Lock Haven, Jude R. Montarsi, 54, 574 South Fairview Street was cited for 'criminal mischief' for an incident that occurred on July 27, city police said. Police said Montarsi knocked a piece of fencing into a parked vehicle at 570 South Fairview Street.”

Common courtesy would seem to dictate that I should have received an official notice from your office before this matter was published in the newspaper, but maybe not. However, since the latest round of smear tactics to my character—directed from the Clinton County bench—has aready begun by your supervisor, the president judge of Clinton County, J. Michael Williamson, and his cronies—executed by their proxies and certain members of the police force of the City of Lock Haven—and since I have not yet had time to retrieve the mail from the post office today and shall be out of town for the next few days, at this point I have no knowledge of when you have actually scheduled a hearing on this specious charge.

Meanwhile, I would like to submit the following information for your consideration:

1. A formal complaint to the Judicial Conduct Board and Attorney General’s Office concerning violations of the Judicial Code of Conduct and possible criminal misconduct involving your supervisor, Judge Williamson, and Judge Craig Miller is on its way to Harrisburg;

2. As you are under the direct supervision of your brother-in-law (and in his absence, Judge Miller) neither you nor the other district magistrates in Clinton County can be presumed to impartially preside over any hearing involving criminal or civil charges against me;

3. Therefore, if, in your opinion, the evidence presented to you by the Lock Haven City Police rises to a level of “probable cause” that warrants conducting a formal hearing over charges of “criminal mischief,” then I highly recommend that you consider petitioning your supervisior, Judge Williamson, to have the county go to the extra expense of bringing in a magistrate from outside the county, who is not under our county judiciary’s direct control or influence, lest you find yourself incriminated along with your supervisor, whom I have good reason to believe is also your BROTHER-IN-LAW!

Your supervisor, Judge Williamson, with Judge Miller and their cronies—including District Attorney Salisbury—have with improper motives, over the course of several years, repeatedly employed any and all manner of legal chicanery—to mete out punishment to me for simply having been the chief beneficiary of the Beatrice M. Wolf Trust, but for no crimes, instead wrongfully use of civil proceedings rather filing formal criminal charges against me, for which no evidence exists. They did this in direct violation of my right to due process under the U.S. and Pennsylvania Constitutions.

Moreover, under the guise of a “guardianship hearing,” your supervisor violated the civil rights of my mother, Joyce M. Montarsi—and as late as this year, through the proxies of his de facto clients, Gina Gregoletto, Gio Montarsi and Louis Montarsi—continues to do so—now that my mother is a resident of the county home, Susqueview for which Judge Williamson was once the solicitor and for which all three county commissioners have a seat on the board of trustees—but not without his first having ensured, what I continue to allege to be the judicially sanctioned theft of trust assets left for my parents by the late Beatrice M. Wolf.


Jude René Montarsi
574 South Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745

Cc: Jim Runkle, THE EXPRESS (Ogden Publishing) Lock Haven.
Corporal Litzelman and Officer Merryman, Lock Haven City Police
Michael T. Foerester, Senior Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, Charitable Trust and Organization Section
Agent R. Drawbaugh, Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office, Public Corruption Unit
Joseph A. Massa, Jr., Chief Counsel, Judicial Conduct Board of Pennsylvania
Paul Killion, Chief Disciplinary Counsel, Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of PA

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Letter on my behalf to Pa Attorney General

13 December 2008

Tom Corbett, Attorney General of Pennsylvania
Elder Abuse Unit / Public Corruption Unit/ Charitable Trusts Section
14th Floor, Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120

Subject: Judicial Malfeasance in the Matter of Joyce M. Montarsi, An Incapacitated Person and Matters Concerning the Beatrice M. Wolf Trust, Clinton County, PA

To Attorney General Corbett:

I write on behalf of Jude Rene Montarsi, who is filing a complaint regarding the exploitation and victimization of his mother, Joyce M. Montarsi, involving the legal system by members of the Clinton County Judiciary. I have known Jude Montarsi roughly thirty years. As a close friend and former teacher of Jude Montarsi, I wish to state the following:

I have observed Jude Montarsi interacting with his mother on numerous occasions over several years—while we took her to several movies, took her out to eat, and talked with her when she was living with or visiting Jude, often for a meal. Given my memories from years ago when my mother had to deal with the frustrating behavior of my father who was, like Mrs. Montarsi, suffering from dementia, I was quite frankly amazed that I never once saw Jude show even the slightest sign of annoyance when dealing with his mother’s symptomatic behavior, such as her frequent repetition of the same questions, frequent bathroom calls, confused actions, etc. I do not believe that Jude’s sympathetic and selfless treatment of his mother was simply attributable to the mother-son bond, for his brother Gio Montarsi twice suddenly shifted to others the responsibility of being Mrs. Montarsi’s caregiver—premeditatively abandoning Mrs. Montarsi on Jude Montarsi’s doorstep on May 26, 2006, and again strategically dumping her into a nursing home when Jude was out of the country at a wedding in May 2007 after Jude had refused to spend any more trust funds on “home improvement projects” to enhance the resale value of Gio Montarsi’s personal real estate. Instead, I concluded that Jude was one of those perhaps rare men whose character and temperament qualified him to devote unconditional care to a beloved parent--despite the mendacious actions of his father and siblings and their attorneys, some of which appear calculated to thwart Jude being able to spend much time with his mother, both exacerbating and accelerating the diminution of Mrs. Montarsi’s quality of life and her relationships.

On or around July 3, 2006, I was present at Jude Montarsi’s residence when Darlla Conway, the supervisor of the Lycoming-Clinton Bi-County Office for Aging in Lock Haven, stopped by to discuss with Jude matters concerning his mother. At one point, I witnessed Ms. Conway phoning Jude’s brother, Gio, and speaking to him in a manner that struck me as surprisingly friendly for what I assumed was a professional call regarding Jude and his mother.

Subsequently, after Judge J. Michael Williamson had declared Mrs. Montarsi “incapacitated,” when Jude’s family members and their lawyers kept compelling Jude to appear in court on hearings over their several attempts to force him to distribute funds from and ultimately to remove him as trustee for the Beatrice M. Wolf charitable trusts for Louis & Joyce Montarsi, Jude asked me to attend those court hearings and to take notes. The purpose of my notes was to provide Jude with an accurate record of the comments and actions of Judge J. Michael Williamson, who, Jude believed, had already failed to demonstrate judicial impartiality when matters concerning the abandonment of Mrs. Montarsi in May of 2006 and again at her guardianship hearing on July 31, 2006, came before the judge.

Jude and I eventually concluded that the judge’s behavior in these matters signaled that he had become a de facto advocate for the plaintiffs and their lawyers in their attempts to compel Jude to perform actions that violated the terms of the Beatrice M. Wolf charitable trusts for Louis & Joyce Montarsi. My notes were to provide a corrective, if one were needed, to anything that the judge might have deleted from or changed in the official court record as transcribed by his reporter, Mona Shoemaker. Therefore, I attended and took notes on the following court sessions involving Jude and his parents’ trusts: November 2, 2006; October 19, 2007; December 18, 2007; January 25, 2008; and May 1, 2008. Immediately after each of these court sessions, presided over by Judge Williamson, I typed up my notes and gave Jude a signed copy.

Judge Williamson first appointed Attorney Paul J. Ryan to represent Joyce Montarsi’s interests at her guardianship hearing at the end of July 2006. After declaring Joyce Montarsi an “incapacitated person” two weeks before she became the beneficiary of a trust fund that the judge knew was being adjudicated in Florida, Judge Williamson again appointed Attorney Ryan, this time as guardian of Joyce Montarsi’s estate. Mr. Ryan appropriated Mrs. Montarsi’s meager Social Security income to pay himself for his legal fees to sue (along with then judicial-candidate Craig P. Miller) Jude Montarsi. Ultimately, after Judge Williamson removed Jude Montarsi as Trustee of his late aunt’s beneficial trusts for his parents, Judge Williamson yet again appointed Attorney Ryan, now as “Substitute-Trustee” of the Beatrice M. Wolf Trusts for both Joyce M. Montarsi and Louis Montarsi, thus creating an absolute conflict of interest as far as Attorney Ryan’s court-appointed duties were concerned, for Judge Williamson had empowered Ryan to both make requests for disbursements from the trust AND to authorize disbursements. Furthermore, one of Judge Williamson’s justifications for removing Jude as Trustee was that Jude had refused to pay the brother of the judge’s other former business partner, State Representative Michael K. Hanna, $10,000 in prepaid burial funds in direct violation of his aunt’s verbal instructions before her death and her written directive in her trust instrument.

I believe that Judge Williamson’s behavior in his court sessions dealing with Jude Montarsi, the Beatrice M. Wolf Trusts, and Jude’s attorneys (even those attorneys not present in court when the judge prejudicially smeared their professional characters)--malfeasance which is reflected in both the official court transcripts and also my notes—warrants investigation by the Judicial Conduct Board and may indeed merit a hearing before the Court of Judicial Discipline. However, here I am calling to your attention just one judicial misdeed: Judge Williamson’s attempt on January 25, 2008, to intimidate both Jude and his lawyer to drop in their appeal of the judge’s order to remove Jude as trustee any reference to attorney Paul J. Ryan as having been Judge Williamson’s “business partner.” I believe there was no official court reporter present for this hearing on January 25, 2008, when my notes read: “The judge had earlier indicated that he was, of course, going to deny [Attorney Lee] Roberts’ Motion for Post-trial Relief, and thus there would be an appeal. However, he urged Roberts to remove any claim that the judge and Attorney Ryan were ‘business partners.’ ‘I’m not going to let that go further,’ the judge huffed.” While Attorney Lee Roberts, Jude’s attorney, assured the judge that he himself had never made such an allegation in anything he’d filed with the court, I believe that Jude feels this connection between Judge Williamson and Attorney Ryan is indeed noteworthy: the two men were members of the law firm of Williamson, Coploff, Hanna, & Ryan before Williamson became a judge.

Final observations: I believe that Judge Williamson’s favoritism toward his former law partner, Paul J. Ryan, along with his naming Mr. Ryan to three positions which are in direct conflict with one another, violate Pennsylvania’s Code of Judicial Conduct. Canon 2 states that “Judges should avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all their activities.” And Canon 3, B, (4) states: “Judges should…exercise their power of appointment only on the base of merit, avoiding favoritism.” Thus, I believe this judge has diminished rather than promoted “public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary” (Canon 2, A) in the Clinton Country Court system.

I urge the Attorney General’s Office to act immediately on Jude Montarsi’s request and urge an investigation into his complaints to the various disciplinary authorities.
Yours truly,

Richard K. Parker
27 South Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Cc: (1) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Disciplinary Counsel
(2) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Judicial Conduct Board

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My Letter to PA AttorneyGeneral Aug 2010

Michael T. Foerster, Senior Deputy Attorney General
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Trust and Organizations Section
14th Floor Strawberry Square
Harrisburg, PA 17120
August 9, 2010

Dear Deputy Attorney General Foerster:

Subject: Two Requests for Action

(1) Stop the Termination of the Beatrice M. Wolf Charitable Remainder Trust for the Benefit of Louis E. Montarsi, and
(2) Issue An Executive Order from the Attorney General’s Office to the District Attorney of Clinton County (To Cease and Desist)

I am the former Trustee for the Beatrice M. Wolf Charitable Remainder Trusts for the Benefit of Louis E. Montarsi and Joyce M. Montarsi. Louis Montarsi, age 86, my father, resides in Lock Haven. Joyce Montarsi, age 82, my mother, resides at the Susqueview Home in Lock Haven.

Enclosed is a copy of a letter dated August 5, 2010 from Paul J. Ryan, Esquire, the “substitute trustee” of the Wolf Trust, which I received on August 6th. Your name and office also appear as an addressee.

Attached to Mr. Ryan’s letter is a judicial decree signed by Judge J. Michael Williamson, 25th Judicial District, who presided over all matters in Clinton County relevant to a Protection from Abuse hearing and Guardianship hearing for my mother, Joyce M. Montarsi, and matters concerning the charitable trusts left for my parents by my late aunt. The decree grants Mr. Ryan a hearing for his Petition for Termination of the Beatrice M. Wolf Charitable Remainder Trust for the Benefit of Louis E. Montarsi.

It is impossible for me to condense twelve years of notes and evidence and audio recordings into a single letter to make my case succinctly to you. Nevertheless, I will extend my cooperation with the Attorney General’s Office, the Judicial Conduct Board and Office of Disciplinary Counsel in this matter—especially if it helps to rid Pennsylvania of the “antebellum cronyism and corruption” that continues to plague its citizens and businesses. I am willing to come to Harrisburg at my own expense, to help full time, at the direction of authorities until the material I have is in a workable order for investigators to use to do their work.

I respectfully request the Attorney General’s Charitable & Organizations Section to use whatever means are at your disposal to stop the termination of the Wolf Trust and place it into a conservator-ship. Moreover, I would hope your office would urge the appropriate authority to remove Judge Williamson and Mr. Ryan from this case immediately and to order District Attorney Salisbury to cease and desist from using local police officials to harass me.

The legal disputes over Beatrice Wolf’s testamentary trust and the charitable remainder trusts that it endowed both before and after the proper adjudication of her trust in Florida, are not simply petty “family feuds” between a few disgruntled beneficiaries. Beatrice M. Wolf personally discussed with me her wishes about how I was to use and conserve the funds she left for my parents. As the Fourth Amendment to her trust instrument asserts, “under no circumstances can a beneficiary compel a distribution” and “no court, or any other person shall substitute it or their judgment for the decision or decisions made by the Trustee.” My late aunt and her attorney apparently used this strategy to obviate the predictable attempts of various Montarsi family members—not excluding the beneficiaries themselves—to dictate disbursements and otherwise interfere with her wishes—as the evidence will eventually prove.

Judge Williamson’s law firm has had the Beatrice M. Wolf Trust in its sights at least since she established it—in Florida—in 1999. On December 18, 2007 he finally succeeded in substituting for Beatrice Wolf’s wishes, his own wishes, by naming his former business partner, Paul J. Ryan, Esquire, as her charitable trusts’ “substitute trustee.” From that day on, Judge Williamson, Attorney Ryan, along with Peter G. Facey, Esquire and Robin Read, Esquire and others, have invoked legal technicalities to prevent the substantive issues regarding the harm to the Wolf Trust from ever receiving thorough Superior Court and Supreme Court scrutiny.

In August 2009, Judge Williamson appeared before the Judicial Conduct Board to receive a letter of reprimand. His characteristic judicial misbehaviors have undoubtedly brought him before the JCB on other occasions, but, given the secrecy with which the board operates, the public has been informed of only the case that came to light late last fall just before the news broke about former Rep. Brett Feese and Senator Jane Orie, both who have close, but indirect connections to this case.

I am alleging that both county judges, Williamson and Miller, along with Mr. Ryan and raft of other area attorneys, who, with the assistance of a county social worker from the local Office for Aging, have been perpetrating frauds upon the court and elderly residents and the estates of the deceased of Clinton County using their public offices and professional licenses and social and business connections. Other cases, unrelated to the Wolf Trust and the Guardianship of Joyce M. Montarsi exist, involving Mr. Feese’s former law partners Peter G. Facey and Robin A. Read, Esquires and Judge Williamson and the same county social worker. Moreover, I have good reason to believe—and there is strong circumstantial evidence to suggest—the corruption will be found to have led to a sitting justice on the state supreme court.

Concerning the matter of the Clinton County District Attorney Michael Salisbury, while he and Judge Miller were candidates for their current positions in public office, Mr. Salisbury represented Gemma Rinella, a beneficiary of the Wolf Trust—named as a successor trustee to the trust in question for Louis Montarsi and also in another matter concerning the powers of attorney for Joyce M. Montarsi, about the time it became necessary for me to petition the court for a Protection From Abuse Order on behalf of Joyce Montarsi prior to her guardianship hearing. I have it on good authority—an experienced former U.S. Attorney General, whose specialty was prosecuting white-collar crimes and public corruption cases—that Mr. Salisbury has a conflict of interest in this matter!

On pages 35 and 36 of Enclosure (1) you will see that Judge Williamson held a hearing while my appeal was already pending a hearing before the Superior Court—an act that was illegal— issuing an illegal Order signaling his intention to bring a case of malicious prosecution against me:

“This Court requests the Attorney General of Pennsylvania and the District Attorney of Clinton County to begin an investigation into the circumstances disclosed in the Petition for Accounting filed March 25, 2008, in order that the statute of limitations might not run on any criminal proceedings prior to the disposition of the appellate case.”

I respectfully request the Deputy Attorney General in charge of oversight of the county district attorneys, to immediately issue a letter to Mr. Salisbury ordering him to cease and desist from employing the Lock Haven City Police—either by direct orders or through the use of proxies—in his and the judiciary’s efforts to harass and intimidate me from finishing and filing my formal complaints to the Judicial Conduct Board and the Office of Disciplinary Counsel. This judge and his cronies and his de facto clients are VERY VINDICTIVE and I’m concerned about my personal safety, as members of Mr. Salisbury’s former client’s family and Judge Williamson’s de facto clients, to put it delicately, probably have ties to organized crime.

I am not in the habit of smearing other people’s characters. Moreover, I was never involved in any kind of civil litigation until Judge Williamson and his law partners, Gina Gregoletto, Gio A. Montarsi, Louis Montarsi, Gemma Rinella, Judge Craig Miller, and Attorneys Peter G. Facey and Robin A. Read dragged me into this unwarranted imbroglio over the Wolf Trust. Despite the enormous personal costs to me, I am determined to see that my late aunt’s last wishes are carried out faithfully and for the horrendous exploitation of Joyce M. Montarsi. I have no training in legal matters but from the what I do know of the law, I believe sections of the following laws may have been sufficiently violated to justify the immediate removal of Judge Williamson and Mr. Ryan from this case: Pennsylvania’s Older Adult Protective Services Act of 1996; Corrupt Organizations Act, the Dragonetti Act; and possibly the U.S. Older Americans Act of 1965 and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act of 1970.

In conclusion, when the hard and circumstantial evidence is placed into the hands of a “neutral” competent investigator—free of political pressure—I believe the evidence will yield the discovery of misconduct meriting more than a slap on the wrist. I hope your office will take my request seriously and do what is within your authority to stop the termination and distribution of remaining assets of the Wolf Trust. Send a clear message that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will not permit people like this sociopathic judge, who cleverly employs unscrupulous machinations, to continue. Cure this fool his delusion that judicial immunity will protect him from the very system he intends to continue abusing—if you allow him to. The Commonwealth must rid the judiciary of this judge at its first opportunity. Doing so would be an enormous public service!

You can reach me by email at


Jude René Montarsi
574 South Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Telephone 570 XXX-XXXX

cc: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office of Disciplinary Counsel
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Judicial Conduct Board
U.S. Department of Justice, Peter J. Smith, U.S. Attorney, Middle District, Pennsylvania
Stephen A. Zappala, District Attorney of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
Lee H. Roberts, Esquire
Geoffrey L. Beauchamp, Esquire,
Gyneth L. Stanley, Esquire, former estate-planning attorney for the Late Beatrice M. Wolf
Alvin Snowiss, former attorney for the Estate of the Late Beatrice M. Wolf

Sunday, August 08, 2010

My Joyce M. Montarsi

It's been nearly nine months since I have posted information about the cronyism that plagues the residents of Clinton County and the corrupt judicial practices of its two sitting judges and the county D.A.--and possibly including some members of the Superior Court Middle District and a newly minted Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice. I'll be posting updates when time permits.

My mother, Joyce M. Montarsi, since December 2009 has been a resident in the Susqueview Home, Inc. in Lock Haven. Suffering from a mild dementia, she was was psychologically abused and neglected by her husband and some of her adult children--complaints that the local Area Agency on Aging completely ignored! Moreover, Joyce Montarsi's civil rights were violated in a guardianship hearing in Clinton County in 2006-and again this year as a resident of the Susqueview Home, after having suffered an apparent stroke.

For the present, I leave you with this "polite" snippet from the administrator of Susqueview. There is something terribly wrong in Clinton County, and the first three names on the list are the two current judges of the county's Court of Common Pleas--J. Michael Williamson and Craig P. Miller, and District Attorney Michael Salisbury! Something a sharp investigative journalist and the Attorney General's Public Corruption Unit should have a look at!

"----- Original Message -----
From: James Aurand
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 4:06 PM
Subject: Your Mother

Mr. Montarsi,

I am in receipt of a memo dated January 1, 2010 and a letter dated January 5, 2010. Please understand that the situation regarding the legal aspects of your mother’s guardianship and the guardian’s wishes is quite uncommon for our facility. We have been conducting an extensive investigation, which included research, conversations with representatives of the PA Department of Health, and an attorney who specializes in health care law, primarily with nursing homes. I appreciate your patience as we get this sorted out. I believe we will have a definitive legal opinion early next week.


Jamie Aurand

Susque-View Home, Inc.
22 Cree Drive
Lock Haven, PA 17745

By the way, Judge Williamson was the former "solicitor" for the Susqueview Home! Smells fishy to me! If you doubt the stench, have a good look at the Estate of the late Katheryn W. Lumley, late of Clinton County.