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Location: Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, United States

It's time for a grassroots movement to reform Pennsylvania's Judiciary from elections to disciplinary actions. The Bar Association is incapable itself of self-policing, too much harm is being inflicted on innocent citizens in both criminal and civil courts. It's time to fire the foxes in charge of the hen house.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

My Joyce M. Montarsi

It's been nearly nine months since I have posted information about the cronyism that plagues the residents of Clinton County and the corrupt judicial practices of its two sitting judges and the county D.A.--and possibly including some members of the Superior Court Middle District and a newly minted Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice. I'll be posting updates when time permits.

My mother, Joyce M. Montarsi, since December 2009 has been a resident in the Susqueview Home, Inc. in Lock Haven. Suffering from a mild dementia, she was was psychologically abused and neglected by her husband and some of her adult children--complaints that the local Area Agency on Aging completely ignored! Moreover, Joyce Montarsi's civil rights were violated in a guardianship hearing in Clinton County in 2006-and again this year as a resident of the Susqueview Home, after having suffered an apparent stroke.

For the present, I leave you with this "polite" snippet from the administrator of Susqueview. There is something terribly wrong in Clinton County, and the first three names on the list are the two current judges of the county's Court of Common Pleas--J. Michael Williamson and Craig P. Miller, and District Attorney Michael Salisbury! Something a sharp investigative journalist and the Attorney General's Public Corruption Unit should have a look at!

"----- Original Message -----
From: James Aurand
Sent: Friday, January 08, 2010 4:06 PM
Subject: Your Mother

Mr. Montarsi,

I am in receipt of a memo dated January 1, 2010 and a letter dated January 5, 2010. Please understand that the situation regarding the legal aspects of your mother’s guardianship and the guardian’s wishes is quite uncommon for our facility. We have been conducting an extensive investigation, which included research, conversations with representatives of the PA Department of Health, and an attorney who specializes in health care law, primarily with nursing homes. I appreciate your patience as we get this sorted out. I believe we will have a definitive legal opinion early next week.


Jamie Aurand

Susque-View Home, Inc.
22 Cree Drive
Lock Haven, PA 17745

By the way, Judge Williamson was the former "solicitor" for the Susqueview Home! Smells fishy to me! If you doubt the stench, have a good look at the Estate of the late Katheryn W. Lumley, late of Clinton County.


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